招聘研修医師 (東京女子医大病院での研修医師)
Dr. Rafiqul からの Feedback Report (2014.7~2014.11)
2014年 11月 Dr.Rafiqul からのFeedback Report
Last month I joined in a conference in Tokyo about Noble art of lesioning. It was a conference on functional neurosurgery. I enjoyed and learned many new things about functional neurosurgical procedure from local and foreign faculties. Otherwise my work with skull base and vascular neurosurgery learning is also good. Day by day things have become more clear and palatable for me.
I shifted my hotel room in 5th floor and now here mobile network is good. Now weather is so cold and I feel more comfort in my new room. I am happy and say thanks again to JBMA for making necessary action earlier regarding my room problem.
At 25th November I and Dr Nishat joined a meeting and a nice dinner party with JBMA officials at Shinjuku. The dinner party was awesome with many delicious food and drink. We enjoyed a lot. Prof Nozaki talked with us and looked after about everything made me happy again. I am very much thankful to prof. Nozaki for arranging such a nice meeting and get together for us. I also convey my thanks to UNI QLO for nice winter dress.
This is all about my last month summery and wishing happy and prosperous life of all JBMA officials.
2014年 10月 Dr.Rafiqul からのFeedback Report
Today is 9th November 2014 and I am writing about my day in Japan. Winter is coming and though it is very unusual but I like winter season most. I am waiting to enjoy more cold weather. In Bangladesh temperatures rarely drop below 10 degree Celsius and I am very much like to see snowfall. I have been passing very good time in Neurosurgery Department and also Tokyo.
Now I am working in vascular group Under Prof Y Okada. Participation of many complicated routine and emergency vascular surgical procedure made my training more effective day by day. I also accustomed to the food and Tokyo environment now. I am also writing a case report regarding intracranial Arteriovenous malformation.
In last month I visited few place for sightseeing most notable Tokyo Disney Resort. The tour was fantastic and I enjoyed a lot. At the same time I also missed my family as they were not with me on that time.
Finally I want to say thanks again to JBMA and Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Women’s Medical University for arranging everything.
2014年 9月 Dr.Rafiqul からのFeedback Report
Now I am writing about my experience in September ’14.The most significance of this month is that I have got advance clinical training license from Ministry of Health, labour and welfare, Japan. This license has made me happy as now I can more intimate to clinical procedure in Neurosurgery Department of Tokyo women’s Medical University. In last three month I have learnt many new clinical procedure and advance technology that enriched my knowledge. Again I convey my thanks and gratefulness to Prof. Nozaki and JBMA for all cooperation.
I also express my thanks to Prof. Y Okada and all staffs of Neurosurgery Department for their cordial attitude. In October 9-11 Annual Neurosurgical Conference of Japan Neurosurgical Society will be held on Tokyo. I am going to attend this conference. This conference has many legendary international faculty as well as distinguished Japanese faculty. I hope from this conference I will learn many new things as well as I can meet many Japanese great Neurosurgeons and some foreign Neurosurgeon also.
The problem I faced as there is no recreation for me as after returning hotel room we have to cook so we can’t go anywhere for sightseeing.
After all with everything I am passing good time in Japan and very much hopeful about my future time.
2014年 8月 Dr.Rafiqul からのFeedback Report
This is my second month of staying in Tokyo and more or less settled here with everything, especially with the Department of Neurosurgery in Tokyo Women’s Medical University, my ultimate destination in Tokyo. Here I have learnt many new things in last two month tenure most notable endovascular Neurosurgery. I also observed the very good neurological outcome of patient here that people can trust neurosurgeon to operate them whenever they need. The neurosurgeon here always tries to do best with most recent knowledge and technological assistance.
The 10th of this month Professor emeritus Motohiro Nozaki arranged a wonderful fireworks program for me and Dr Nishat. We attended that program and enjoyed a lot. I want to say thank you very much to Prof. Nozaki for arranging such a good recreation for us.
Sometimes we feel little bore for cooking after returning from day long work in my Department. And a problem I feel specially no English TV channel is available in hotel.
Although I am little scare for my family as I left them for more than two month, everything here is very good and I enjoyed very much in training and existence in Japan. I hope may god bless me as I can continue my training with good health and overcome if any difficulties.
2014年 7月 Dr.Rafiqul からのFeedback Report
When I first heard from my professor, as I am selected for a 1 Year Neurosurgery training program in Tokyo Women’s Medical University on 25th April 2014, it was very surprising as well as made me little bit anxious. As how could I prepare myself and completed all the procedure with in a very short time. But ultimately it has done by me and it makes possible due to promptness of international affairs department of Tokyo Women’s Medical University.
When we (me and Dr Nishat Abdullah) arrived at Haneda Airport on 6th July Dr Jiro Katahira from Department of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery gave us a warm reception followed by a welcome dinner in a traditional Japanese Restaurant.
I am very much happy to see a well furnished room for accommodation with all accessories are available for daily need, specially 24 hours accessible free internet connection that help me educational purpose and also help to communicate with my family. There are convenient transport systems available around the hotel area so that I can go easily to the University and elsewhere.
It was a honor for me that, the department waited until the month of Ramadan finished and after that arranged a Welcome Dinner Party at a Bangladeshi Restaurant at Akasaka in Tokyuo . On 20th August , 2013 I was overwhelmed to meet the respected Prof. Takeshi Hirayama at his Clinic, where shared his views about Bangladesh and gave me advices about my career.
However, the Department of Neurosurgery of Tokyo Women’s Medical University is a world class Neurosurgery unit. The all modern facilities are available here. My professors, colleagues and other neurosurgery staffs are very much helpful and cooperative. I am feeling very much comfort in this department and hope I can learn many new things in my 1 year tenure.
On 15th July I met Professor emeritus Motohiro Nozaki, the man with great personality as well as so much caring. His cares about us in every aspect make me happy as I think he is our local guardian.
Finally, I give special thanks to Professor Hiroyuki Sakurai, Professor Yoshikazu Okada and JBMA for arraigning such a beautiful educational tour that enrich my knowledge and experience so I can apply it for the people of my country.